
東京自助行 -- Tsukiji Fish Market, Sushi Dai

[2008.09.01] Tsukiji fish market, Shidame, Tokyo Tower

為了感謝 Tamaki 同學的熱心提供資料,艾希裴決定這篇就來給他加個英文的,讓 Tamaki 同學也可以享受一下啦。至於艾希裴其他的親朋好友們,英文的部分就給他跳過讓過啦...
Before AshPei went to Japan, Tamaki, Ash Pei's friend in Chicago, had provided Ash Pei a lot of good information about travelling in Tokyo. Sushi Dai at Tsukiji fish market is one of them. To thank Tamaki san, Ash Pei decided to wirte this article both in English and Chinese.

Today was the final day that Ash Pei and YYC stayed in Tokyo. Before we left, we decided that we had gotton to eat Sushi at Tsukiji. AshPei had been told that there are always a lot people stand in line in from of the Sushi shop, so Ash Pei and YYC decided to leave the staying place at six o'clock to avoid the long line.

Everything was going well until YYC and Ash Pei got lost at Tsukiji. When YYC and Ash Pei finally found the Sushi Dai, it was already 7:30. A long line had formed in fornt of the sushi shop. Darn...X<

Well, how long could it be? Ash Pei's flight departed in the afternoon, so Ash Pei decided to wait.

唉... 做人還是不要太鐵齒,沒想到店超小的,一輪只能坐12~14個人,視胖子的多寡決定。艾希裴和歪歪吸可是等了快2個鐘頭才等到的咧!!! 本來途中一直想陣前逃跑,去吃隔壁的大和壽司(也是 Tamaki 推薦的),又不用排隊,但是想想既然排了就給他排到底,下次再來給他吃大和啦!!!
Hmmm... it was really a loooooooooong waiting line. Even though there were only about 20 people in front of us, it took Ash Pei and YYC almost 2 hours to get into the Sushi Dai.

This is the other Sushi Shop -- Daiwa Sushi that Tamaki recommanded. Since Ash Pei had already in line in Sushi Dai, we had decided to stay. Well, Ash Pei could try Daiwa sushi next time.

終於等到了,艾希裴和歪歪吸就豪邁的給他點了 "Omakase" (類似主廚套餐啦),一共有 10+1 個壽司(1個是送的,可以自選)加上壽司捲、日式蛋捲還有味增湯。
Finally, it's YYC and Ash Pei's turn. Well, since we waited such a loooooooong time, "Omakase" was the must have choice for us.

Tea was served first. There was name on it, how cute!!!

Then, the sushi master put a pile of ginger in front of Ash Pei and YYC, separetly.

While we were waiting, we couldn't stop watching the delicious sea food that put in the refrigerator. I could feel I was drooling....

等很久了,終於上了第一道菜,玉子燒啦。嗯... 很嫩,又甜,很好吃咧!!!
Thank God, the first dish finally came. It was an egg roll. A little bit sweet with a flavor of dried bonito. I liked it...

因為肚子實在很餓,一下就解決的這個蛋。很期待下一個 sushi。不過師傅還是優閒的慢慢做,還邊做邊要跟客人聊一下天。不過語言實在不通,師傅會的英文也有限,聊個兩句就沒下文了...^^"""。
Because Ash Pei was starving, it only took Ash Pei a few second to finish this egg roll... It seemed that Ash Pei had to wait forever for the next dish, yet the sushi master still took his time to prepare next one. Meanwhile, the sushi master tried to start a conversation with YYC and Ash Pei. Unfortunately, Ash Pei's Japanese is limited and so does sushi master's English, so... X< 終於又來一個了,是 Toro。喔... 好滑順喔,有入口即化的感覺,壽司飯的大小也剛好,一口剛好一個。要吃之前,師傅還一直提醒我們不要加醬油,才能吃到食物的味道。 Finally, here came the first nigiri sushi -- fatty fish. It was sooooooo good. It tasted sooooo smooth that it melted in your mouth.

The next on one was "Daido," that's what sushi master said. Well, Ash Pei didn't know exactly what kinds of fish it was. However, it tasted really good.

啊...味增湯上來了,味增的味道很香,艾希裴因為肚子餓很快就把湯解決了。結果歪歪吸以為艾希裴喝這麼快是要續湯,也學著艾希裴很快的把湯喝完了,反而沒好好的享受那晚味增湯。後來歪歪吸還一直怪艾希裴誤導了歪歪吸。哈... 誰叫你要學艾希裴我。
Aha... miso soup. The smell of miso was so good that Ash Pei finished the soup just in a blink. YYC thought that the soup could be refilled since Ash Pei finished it so quickly, she also finished it as fast as she could without really tasting the flavor. When she realized that the soup couldn't refill, she then blamed on Ash Pei. Da...., YYC, you didn't ask me...

A flavored tuna. It flavored perfectly that you didn't need soy source with it, the sushi master kept reminding YYC and Ash Pei about it...^^

來了來了,艾希裴最愛的海膽。師父給海膽一點都不小氣,整個壽司飯上放了滿滿的海膽。好甜、好鮮、好好吃喔...XD 真想再來一個...
^^y, Ash Pei's favorite -- Sea Urchin nigiri sushi. It's sooooooo good... soooooo sweet... sooooooo unbelievably delicious...

This one is recommanded by the Sushi Dai. It had some sort of kelp flavor. I liked it...

YA... 我最愛的北寄貝,送上來的時候還會動咧。隔壁的老外看到還嚇到了,那個師傅還跟那兩個老外說因為還是活的,所以吃到嘴裡還會動喔!(沒錯,那兩個老外的日文比艾希裴的好..^^"")
喔... 吃起來好 Q 好脆,有彈牙的感覺喔,又很甜。真不愧是我愛吃的北寄貝。
Oh... this was also one of my favorites, Surf Clam Nigiri Sushi. It was still moving while it was served. 2 foreigners who sat next to YYC looked surprised while they saw the moving clam sushi. And the sushi master made fun of them and told them it was alived. If you put them into your mouth, you could feel it move. Hahaha... that's funny...

壽司捲,這個是敗筆啊!!! 雖然還不錯吃,但是把艾希裴的肚子都塞飽了。X< I didn't like this sushi roll. Even though it's good, it filled Ash Pei's stomach. :<

接下來的 Sawara 壽司,中文叫什麼,不曉得...可能要問一下艾希裴那個愛買魚的媽才曉得。
The good one came next. Sawara nigiri sushi.

這個也是艾希裴的最愛啦... Ikura 啦。醬油的味道剛剛好,每一顆咬起來又吹彈可破。超讚...
Ya... Ash Pei's favorite, again, Ikura sushi. It seasoned perfectly, just as the flavor as I liked.

Mackerel Nigiri Sushi (Aji shushi), so Ash Pei was told. Ha... I thought it will have the smell of the fish. But it didn't... totally different as I remembered. I liked it.

Sea Eel Nigiri Sushi (Unagi nigiri sushi). Before it was served, Ash Pei saw the sushi master tried to clean up the fishbone. Ash Pei was a little bit worried about it. However, the sushi was totally gooooooooooood. The eel melted in the mouth with a little roasted soy and fish flavor. Wooooooow.... perfect.....

最後一道可以自選,艾希裴和歪歪吸在過程中一直掙扎和討論要再吃海膽還是北寄貝,結果最後被眼尖的艾希裴喵到師傅從後面端了一盤鮑魚,喔... 馬上報給歪歪吸看,好啦,就點鮑魚啦!!
The final one was chosen by customers themselves. YYC and Ash Pei were struggling to choose the final sushi. Should I choice Uni or Ikura... it kills me... Thank God, Ash Pei made another good choice. Ash Pei saw a fresh Abalone plate was taken out from the kitchen and decided to order Abalone nigiri sushi immediately.

This Abalone sushi tasted totally different from what Ash Pei had eatten before. I didn't know how to explain, but Ash Pei felt as if Ash Pei was the luckiest person in the world...^^

This one was YYC's...

↓哈... 艾希裴的還比歪歪吸的多了一片屁股喔!!!
And this one belonged to Ash Pei. Ya... I got one more piece than hers. ^^y

Even though every sushi looked small, with 11 sushis in, an egg roll in, a miso soup and a deadly stuffed up sushi roll. YYC and ash pei were so stuffed that we can barely breath.

走出門外,被外面等待的人用一副羨慕的目光送走,啊... 滿足感也增加了一倍啊!!!
While YYC and Ash Pei walked out the sushi shop, everyone who waited outsides looked at us with envy in their eyes. Woooooow... the satisfaction was doubled.....^^.

5 則留言:

  1. Ash pei,

    Thank you for english blog!
    I enjoyed it a lot.

    So sorry for YC about miso soup.
    Yes! Good sushi bars have good miso soup.
    They use not only bonito but also fresh fish(maybe Tai鯛 or kinnme dai 金目鯛)jaw and clams to make fish broth, so their miso soup has better taste and richer flavor than one in other kind of japanese restaurants.

  2. You had to wait 2hours at morning??
    Oh, it must make you guys so hungry.
    It reminded me why I went daiwa suhi instead of sushidai.
    When I went there with my co-worker, we couldn't stand waiting such a long time and went to daiwa sushi which had shorter line than sushi dai.
    However, your sushi looks better than what I got at daiwa sushi.
    You made a right decision.

    When you are hungry, you feel everything you eat is delicious, or at least better than when you are not that hungry.
    So maybe that long looooong line was the best spice for good sushi.

    >The next on was "Daido," so did sushi master say. Well, Ash Pei didn't know exactly what kinds of fish it was. However, it tasted really good.

    Yes it is 太刀魚. We write it exactry same as you do, and pronounce it"Tachi u o".
    I've eaten 太刀魚 sushi only twice in my life.
    It has to be so fresh or we have to broil with solt.
    It looks good.....I wanna eat 太刀魚 nigiri......

    You got a beautiful fatty tuna!
    I wannna eat that too.

    Oh every nigiri looks delicious.

    I'm so glad you guys had good time there.

  3. Anyway, 15/45 looks like suzuki鱸.

  4. 肚仔好餓,口水流滿地.....

  5. Hey Tamaki,

    Thanks for your recommandation, it's so goooood.

    Yes, we waited all most 2 hours in the morning, without eating any breakfast and lacked of sleeping, we were really really really hungry. Fortunately, the waiting were worthy... I liked the sushi a looooooot....

    Is the Tachiuo very rare? I guess I'm luck. After all, I had waited 2 hours. :D
